COVEN 1992
COVEN 1992
Somos una marca de lujo. Diseñamos y confeccionamos prendas prêt-à-porter desde nuestro Atelier. Creamos lujo versátil, prendas reales, exclusivas y de alta calidad.
We are a luxury brand. We design and make prêt-à-porter garments from our Atelier. We create versatile luxury, royal, exclusive and high quality garments.
Nuestra misión es crear sueños. poder impactar de una manera positiva a la sociedad. Creando un proyecto que esperamos pronto manifestar; dando vida a “ABRACADABRA”. Término cuyo significado es “yo creo como hablo” o en hebreo “iré creando conforme hable”. Un proyecto que busca apoyar y construir sueños. En coven 1992 Creemos que todos podemos crear nuestra propia realidad.
Our mission is to create dreams. to have a positive impact on society. Creating a project that we hope to manifest soon; giving life to “ABRACADABRA”. Term whose meaning is "I believe as I speak" or in Hebrew "I will create as I speak". A project that seeks to support and build dreams.
In coven 1992 We believe that we can all create our own reality.
Valeria Quezada originally from Mexico.
Coven 1992 was born under Valeria's vision, that Coven constantly reminds you that we are so powerful and we can create our reality as well as each of our dreams. Within oneself there is already that power and magic, you just have to believe it. Valeria also believes that everything you decree with your words is what you create for yourself. Abracadabra, create as you speak.
Valeria had a whole projection and planning of ideas about Coven 1992 since 2018. Eventually, the first collection went on sale on November 11, 2020, and thus Coven 1992 was born.